Family Screenshots (working title)

ongoing project, 2020-

Family Screenshots is an ongoing project which examines the migrant experience and the use of video calls to connect to family and loved ones far away. The work started during the Covid19 Pandemic when I was unable to leave England to be with my family in Bulgaria. The only way I could photograph my family was through taking Screenshots of our video calls.

Video calls for migrants away from family are a way to cope with homesickness and missing relatives and loved ones. Video calls are a way to bridge the gap in geographical distance, feel closeness and care, familiarity, and comfort.

Even though the work started due to the Pandemic, the research looks at the wider migrant experience of separation from home, family and community and focuses on the video call as a source of connection and means to record family photographs. A new type of Family Snaps.

Waiting for connection, 2021


The first screenshots of my grandparents I took during the Pandemic, 2020

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